Monday, March 15, 2010

they were such tea bags

A quick pit stop on the side of the road to try "pan" local chew wrapped in leaves, on the way through the tea fields to the factory where our guide was wasted and repeated everything twice. Could've done without the tour, but the walk and view through the field was serene. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This is how we do

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Holi Day


As we set out on March 1st  with our global artisan team, we did encounter many individual wishing us "Happy Holi!"; along with the numerous happy wishes received there also came powder pigments and water. We did not plan the kick off of the project to be in-sync with the festival of colors,  but it sure did put a fun twist on the day. Although some were not happy about the colorful additions; Eve and I secretly wanted the attacks to happen :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Project: stretch canvas in pigeon crust basement

After struggling with our water damaged, moldy Indian wood we were able to construct a couple alright canvases. It feels like it’s been a battle to get this project off the ground. Between apathy due to cold weather and sickness and our supplies being a hike away; we’ve found ourselves pushing the launching date of the project back. But, tomorrow will be our first day working out in the square for all to see. 

 Bhanubhakta Acharya, a famous nepali poet has become the center of our inspiration. A big  thanks to Viktor for he's spent many hours doing our homework. We now have a rough english translation of the poem The Grass Cutter and am ready to unleash the creative juices. Keep us in your prayers as we begin. 

Friday, February 26, 2010

When the most interesting thing in the square is two white girls and a snaggle toothed supermodel

After a couple hours of anatomy drawing in the morning, we set out today for some very uninteresting reference photos for our collaborative art piece we’ll be kicking off Monday. It was a bit shocking to find how much interest one can generate while taking photos of benches and humble street pups. In a matter of 30 seconds this cute girl struck about 12 different poses for us, fully aware of the camera, whilst a good 20 ppl watched.
Add this bitch to the long list of animals, miniature babies and elderly we want to stash away in our pockets...stolen back to a wonderful life in America where dreams for girls like Hannah Montana come true.
Later we filled a printing shop that had been virtually empty upon arrival. As we felt the room slowly getting more and more crowded as we selected pics to print, I turned to see  about 12 dudes watching over our shoulders. Sorry boys, no girls gone wild stuff here, just puppies and ponies. 
God bless all the homeless puppies.
Eve and the hottest ticket in Darjeeling, Angella

Friday, February 19, 2010

More Photos

Can be found HERE


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I decided to blog... Been in India since the 5th. of February; it’s been both wonderful and tragic at times. The country is full of rich culture and poverty. Our time spent in Mumbai has been the most challenging thus far, to say it shortly, we were overwhelmed. Not by one particular thing, but mass amounts of people, yelling, honking, staring and sneaking photos of you; all while trying to adjust to the culture was difficult. While there we were able to attend an Art Festival; beautiful photography, hindi dances, children art spreading awareness about conserving water, and loads of other street installations.
From there we traveled on to Jaipur and were able to rest up and precess through the intensity of Mumbai and do some tourist things.  

Now in Darjeeling, the art team that I will be working with is made up of  Eve, Viktor, Hanna, Noah and Andy. After spending two days here getting acquainted with the city we are now diving in and looking for inspiration and dreaming up our art project.  Will update you more as the idea takes form.

I know I haven't shared much from the heart in this post, but do plan on doing so. Once my thoughts become clear and I can communicate them across without the ideas getting all messy, then I will drop them on you guys.

Keep us in your prayers.
 Feel free to e-mail : : or use the good ol' facebook if you have any questions or simply want to share about your life.

Choose one of my favorite photos to share:
